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Finding your Niche Market as an EMDR Therapist Nov 17, 2023

Finding your Niche Market as an EMDR Therapist


Congratulations on becoming an EMDR Certified Therapist!  We are so happy for you!  What’s missing in the market is a place you can build your consultation business and partner this with teaching and education about EMDR...

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Unlocking Healing: Exploring the Power of EMDR Intensives Nov 16, 2023

When it comes to healing from trauma and other emotional wounds, traditional therapy sessions may not always be sufficient. For those who have experienced severe trauma, complex PTSD, or have simply hit a roadblock in their therapy journey, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)...

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Continuing Bonds Theory Nov 14, 2023

When we consider the way that grievers experience grief, the Continuing Bonds Theory has been a major way of coping with the death of someone.  We know grief is a universal human experience, and it's often accompanied by a wide range of emotions and coping mechanisms. 

For many years,...

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What is Neuroplasticity? Nov 09, 2023

The brain, often considered the most complex and mysterious organ in the human body, holds a fascinating secret: neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity, sometimes referred to as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is the brain's extraordinary capacity to adapt, reorganize, and even rewire itself....

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What’s in the Rewired360 Free Resource Library? Nov 06, 2023

When I developed Rewired360, I wanted to add value to the lives of therapists, and I sat with how to do that.  As I was trying to sort through files to post, I decided to offer a way to organize information on EMDR and other therapy topics with therapists.  In this blog, we will review...

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Blue Ocean Strategy Nov 02, 2023

When I began my journey after EMDR basic training, I was matched with an EMDR consultant, which is typically the process of completing 10 hours after basic training.  Being new, I wasn’t so sure of myself, and I wanted to be able to share this new knowledge with so many.  I have...

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They tell me how to be a therapist not a business owner Oct 23, 2023

In school, they teach us how to be therapists, not business owners.  When I started my practice, I thought I would just be seeing patients and have my own business on the side.  I never dreamed it would expand.  I decided I needed to gain some business skills, so I began the...

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Becoming and EMDR approved consultant Oct 19, 2023

My journey to becoming an EMDR therapist and business owner has been an exciting adventure.  As a clinical therapist, trauma was present in several areas of my clinical practice.  I understood how trauma could affect the brain and cause secondary challenges.  I was given the...

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