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Relationship Health: Attunement

Oct 04, 2023
Relationship Health: Attunement

I began my journey of working with couples last year.  I felt compelled to offer a place for couples to learn skills and began my Level 1 and 2 training with the Gottman Institute. I was able to connect with other providers in the community who were impacting couples with this fabulous research-based practice. I have to admit, having this particular structure of training has helped me serve couples and make long-lasting impacts in their lives. I am so grateful to serve them and to be a part of the Gottman team. I am continuing to learn more about this methodology for couples and continue to pursue Level 2 training. Below are some insights from the Gottman’s Marriage Minute to assist in improving the relationships that mean so much to you!


Attunement in adult relationships is the desire and ability to understand and respect your partner’s inner world.


Attunement builds (and can rebuild) trust. Think of ATTUNE as an acronym:

  •       Awareness
  •       Turning toward
  •       Tolerance
  •       Understanding
  •       Non-defensive listening
  •       Empathy


You might be wondering how you can practice attunement to build a greater understanding and respect for your partner’s inner world. Well, every individual is a complex and unique galaxy unto themselves. So, while you could know someone for a lifetime, you might only be attuned to one small piece of their inner world.


A good place to start is by asking yourself what you might assume you know about your partner that you could possibly be wrong about? What deserves more exploration? What might your partner assume about you that might need clarification?

Couch, K. ( 2023, October 4). Relationship Health: Attunement [Blog Post]. Rewired360. Retrieved from

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