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Francine Shapiro: The Life and Legacy of the EMDR Founder

Jun 29, 2024
Francine Shapiro: The Life and Legacy of the EMDR Founder

Dr. Francine Shapiro was a pioneering figure in the field of psychology, best known for developing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. Her innovative approach has transformed the treatment of trauma and has been recognized worldwide. 


Early Life and Education

Francine Shapiro was born on February 18, 1948, in Brooklyn, New York. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Literature from Brooklyn College and later pursued a Master's degree in English Literature from New York University. However, her life took a turn when she was diagnosed with cancer in the late 1970s. This life-altering event sparked her interest in psychology and healing, leading her to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Professional School for Psychological Studies in San Diego.


Career and the Development of EMDR

In the 1980s, while walking in a park, Shapiro made a chance discovery that moving her eyes from side to side appeared to reduce the distress associated with her own traumatic memories. This observation led her to develop EMDR, a psychotherapy technique that has since been used to treat millions of people worldwide suffering from trauma.


Shapiro conducted rigorous research to validate EMDR and published her findings in the Journal of Traumatic Stress in 1989. She also founded the EMDR Institute and the EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs to train clinicians in EMDR and provide trauma relief efforts worldwide.



Dr. Francine Shapiro passed away on June 16, 2019, but her legacy lives on. EMDR is now recognized as an effective form of trauma treatment by organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, and the Department of Defense. Her work has truly revolutionized the field of psychology and continues to bring healing to those affected by trauma.



  1. EMDR Institute: Provides a comprehensive overview of Dr. Francine Shapiro's life and work.
  2. New York Times Obituary for Francine Shapiro: An obituary that details Dr. Shapiro's life, career, and the development of EMDR.
  3. Psychology Today's Tribute to Francine Shapiro: A tribute to Dr. Shapiro that discusses her contributions to the field of psychology.
  4. EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs: Provides information about the humanitarian work done by Dr. Shapiro.
  5. Journal of Traumatic Stress: The journal where Dr. Shapiro first published her research on EMDR.

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