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Empowering Patients: The Locus of Control in Phase 2 of EMDR Resourcing

Jun 22, 2024
Empowering Patients: The Locus of Control in Phase 2 of EMDR Resourcing

Today, we're diving into the empowering world of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, specifically focusing on Phase 2, also known as "Resourcing" One of the key principles of this phase is giving the patient the locus of control, which is crucial for their healing journey.


EMDR therapy is a powerful form of psychotherapy that helps individuals heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. It consists of eight phases, each designed to address different aspects of the individual's experience and facilitate the processing and resolution of traumatic memories.


Phase 2, Resourcing, is a pivotal stage in EMDR therapy, as it focuses on establishing a foundation of inner resources that the patient can access when processing traumatic memories in subsequent phases. This is where the concept of locus of control comes into play. Locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe they can control events affecting them. In the context of EMDR therapy, giving the patient the locus of control means empowering them to access their own internal resources and strengths.


During Phase 2, the therapist guides the patient in identifying and strengthening positive, safe, and nurturing internal resources. These resources can include images, memories, sensations, and beliefs that provide the patient with a sense of safety, comfort, and empowerment. By doing this, the therapist ensures that the patient feels in control of their healing process, fostering a sense of agency and self-efficacy.


Empowering the patient with the locus of control in Phase 2 of EMDR resourcing is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it promotes a sense of autonomy and self-empowerment, which are crucial for the healing process. When patients feel that they have the ability to access their internal resources, they are more likely to feel empowered and hopeful about their ability to heal.


Furthermore, giving the patient the locus of control helps to counteract the feelings of helplessness and powerlessness that often accompany trauma. By focusing on the patient's internal strengths and resources, the therapist helps the patient shift from a state of vulnerability to one of empowerment, fostering a sense of resilience and self-compassion.


In addition, empowering the patient with the locus of control in Phase 2 sets the stage for the subsequent phases of EMDR therapy. When traumatic memories are processed in later phases, the patient can draw upon the internal resources established in Phase 2 to provide a sense of safety and support during the reprocessing of difficult memories.


Ultimately, giving the patient the locus of control in Phase 2 of EMDR resourcing is a fundamental aspect of the therapy that sets the stage for the patient's healing journey. By empowering the patient to access their internal resources and strengths, the therapist fosters a sense of agency, self-efficacy, and resilience, laying the groundwork for the transformative work that lies ahead.


Thank you for joining us as we explored the empowering world of EMDR therapy. We hope this blog shed light on the importance of giving the patient the locus of control and the profound impact it can have on the healing process. Stay tuned for more insightful content, and remember, healing is a journey, and you deserve to feel empowered every step of the way.

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