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Blue Ocean Strategy

Nov 02, 2023
 Blue Ocean Strategy.

When I began my journey after EMDR basic training, I was matched with an EMDR consultant, which is typically the process of completing 10 hours after basic training.  Being new, I wasn’t so sure of myself, and I wanted to be able to share this new knowledge with so many.  I have felt my consultees have the same experience, and I want them to know there is a place out there for them that isn’t a punishing environment.  

I began to see limiting beliefs in the leaders and consultants ahead of me and began to think, “Do they not want me to succeed?”  I began to seek a supportive, encouraging environment, which I heard so many of my consultees also seek.  I wasn’t sure how to reconcile this within myself. Then I discovered the following concept which I would like to introduce therapists to: The revolutionary concept that challenges this conventional wisdom, the Blue Ocean Strategy. 

Developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, the Blue Ocean Strategy offers a fresh perspective on how businesses can break away from this limitation to create a new, uncontested market space. In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating world of the Blue Ocean Strategy and how it can pave the way for innovation, growth, and success.  

When I attended the local community college, I was able to understand this concept as the Blue Ocean Strategy.  This strategy challenges the idea that the only way to succeed is in a fiercely competitive market.  It can often feel like the only way to thrive is by diving into a blood-red ocean of competition.  So, how do we create this Blue Ocean?


What is the Blue Ocean Strategy?

The red ocean represents the known market space, characterized by intense competition, shrinking profits, and a focus on existing customers. In contrast, the blue ocean symbolizes unexplored market territory where opportunities are abundant, competition is low, and innovation thrives.

The Blue Ocean Strategy is a strategic framework that encourages businesses to seek uncontested market spaces, thus making competition irrelevant. Instead of battling rivals in crowded "red oceans," companies are encouraged to explore uncharted "blue oceans," where they can create new demand and carve out a niche of their own.  

As therapists, we are often told to find our “niche,” which is a specialization – and another topic for another blog.  Often, therapists can be unsure of their specialty, and I am encouraging business owners of therapy practices to consider their blue ocean.

Key Principles of Blue Ocean Strategy

  • Value Innovation: Blue Ocean Strategy emphasizes the concept of "value innovation," which involves simultaneously pursuing both lower costs and differentiation. As a therapist, what value do you bring to your patients? 
  • The Strategy Canvas: The strategy canvas is a visual tool that helps businesses compare their current offerings with those of their competitors. This visual representation allows companies to identify the factors that differentiate them in the market.
  • Four Actions Framework: The Four Actions Framework encourages businesses to question industry norms and focus on four key questions: What can be eliminated, reduced, raised, and created? By addressing these questions, companies can develop a unique value proposition.
  • Reach Beyond Existing Demand: To create a blue ocean, companies must identify non-customers, understand their needs, and design products or services that meet those unmet needs. This expands the market beyond existing customer segments.

This is a lot of business-related information for therapists…I get it.  What I would like you to consider is how you can create your very own marketspace instead of competing in the current space.  I would like you to consider the strategies and values above and think about your value proposition.  What does your unique training and experience bring to the table?  This will advance your practice lightyears with a few well-thought-out questions. 

When I think about my mission and my values, this is my “why.” I never want other therapists to feel like their skills are not valued.  By the time we get to the point where we are an EMDR therapist – and committed – the therapists I have encountered are some of the most well-trained I have ever found.  Please recognize this in yourself, and give the patients and customers the services they need. Trust yourself….you deserve it!

In the meantime, here are some values I like to live by at Rewired360.  



  • Just as with patients, we believe in the natural progression of talent and leadership through the training and consultation process. We want you to trust yourself and trust the process of learning. That's how we become more successful leaders.
  • We believe in creating a space that invites curiosity and questions in a safe, open forum. 

 Until we meet again….


Couch, K. ( 2023, November 2). Blue Ocean Strategy [Blog Post]. Rewired360. Retrieved from

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